Rapport d'activité - IUCT Oncopole - expertise agence communication Kardinal T Toulouse Paris

IUCT Oncopole

Produce and illustrate the activity report for the spearhead of cancer research

Strategic recommendation :

  • Develop a genuine editorial approach (writing teasers, exergues, en-phases, interviews, without seeking to be exhaustive of scientific publications)
  • Promoting a unique approach combining care, research & teaching
  • Produce graphics that are resolutely modern, fresh, clear and reassuring

Expertises :

Marketing and editorial consulting, copywriting, art direction, graphic design, print management

Supports :

A4 brochure 56 pages glued square spine
Editions 2021, 2022, 2023 FR and EN


Logo - IUCT Oncopole - expertise agence communication Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
Rapport d'activité identité visuelle - IUCT Oncopole - expertise agence communication Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
Rapport d'activité identité visuelle - IUCT Oncopole - expertise agence communication Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
Rapport d'activité couverture - IUCT Oncopole - expertise agence communication Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
A collective experiment in the fight against cancer
A collective experiment in the fight against cancer
Rapport d'activité sommaire - IUCT Oncopole - expertise agence communication Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
Rapport d'activité page 1 - IUCT Oncopole - expertise agence communication Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
Rapport d'activité page données - IUCT Oncopole - expertise agence communication Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
to fight
to fight
against cancer
against cancer
Rapport d'activité Deuxième édition page de couverture cover - IUCT Oncopole - expertise agence communication Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
Rapport d'activité sommaire - IUCT Oncopole - expertise agence communication Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
Rapport d'activité intérieur - IUCT Oncopole - expertise agence communication Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
Pastille fin case study - agence communication et marketing Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
Latécoère - Stands & Salons - Design d'espace - agence communication et marketing Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
Latécoère – Exhibition
Space Design

Latécoère – Exhibition

Reinvent the group's presence at air shows (approx. 10 times per year)
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Stratégie Webdesign et Production vidéo - Lazare - expertise agence communication Kardinal T Toulouse Paris
Strategy, WebDesign & Video Production


Support the association that organizes shared accommodation for homeless people and young professionals in its strategy and content production
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